other shit coming soon 😋

hi my name is poliana esperança and this is my website! its still a work in progress (: I make music (all kinds, usually using my computer) mostly but I just like making art in general. my mission is to make a lot of art! i also write code (usually in service of art!) and draw and play piano. i love footwork and jersey club and anime art. here are some places where you can find me:

Twitta (i repost a lot of anime art but nothing weird or nsfw)
Github (check out 1000th-summer if you're into audio processing!!)
my Youtube channel where i upload other people's music i like
my OTHER Youtube channel that i use for stuff i make

my recent obsession has been making dj mixes so if you like those click the link up there to listen to some!

on this website, eventually i'd like to add a blog sort of thing so i can talk about my philosophy relating to art and similar stuff, as well as some more pages where you can check out stuff i've done, and a page about my friends!! so be excited for that.